
Constant Contact Calendar

Constant Contact Calendar Feature


A revamp of the calendar feature to allow customers to view and schedule campaigns across different campaign types.



  • Allow customers to easily view past campaigns, schedule future campaigns, and identify different campaign types from the calendar feature.

  • Indicate campaign status, type and other information necessary to plan out campaigns.

  • Refine information customers want to see in a calendar view during testing phase.


Prototype for Testing

Design was tested with 7 participants. Each participant’s prototype was populated with campaign information from their account to make the prototype as realistic as possible to them. The following prototype is one example.




All research was completed in partnership with Brittany Grieve, UX Researcher – Full testing readout

Notes from participants about their current marketing calendar use:

  • Many participants expressed that they either have never used the current marketing calendar, or use it to search for past email campaigns.

  • Most participants utilized the campaign list view to schedule and track email campaign activity.

  • Participants typically schedule their emails to go out within the week of creating them.

Findings on proposed new calendar from testing:

  • Most participants had a difficult time beginning the draft email creation workflow as they expected to be able to click on a previously scheduled campaign to make a copy and paste it into the new draft email. While this was planned as functionality, the prototype was not created to support this specific flow. This turned out to be the most desired flow to create a campaign on the calendar.

  • Once participants were able to begin the draft email campaign workflow, they found it easy to create the draft, locate it on the calendar and make edits at a later time.

  • Most participants understood the different filtering types and email states.

  • At least one participant did not like the colors for the status filters, commented they were “too similar”.

  • All of the participants understood the icons for email types and expected some visual differentiation between the types on the calendar.

  • All participants were able to locate and edit drafts on the calendar.




  • Add copy button to Campaign Details modal as a main action

  • Consider expanding feature to support a weekly view in the future since many businesses do not plan campaigns more than a week in advance.

  • Don’t use colors to represent status, as solely relying on color as an indicator is not accessible. Recommend adding words to support status.

  • Campaign slats can be more than 1 line tall, small businesses are not sending that many emails per day.

Event slats tested:
Proposed new event slats: